Saturday, April 1, 6pm
Admission: $10
Monster Drawing Rally is back at MOCAD! Part performance, part laboratory, part art bazaar, MDR is your opportunity to watch artists in action, creating work in real time. During two one-hour shifts, our team of carefully selected participants will draw their hearts out. Each piece will be bagged, tagged, and posted at the selling wall priced at $50 allowing anyone to be a collector. Don’t blink! The pace is quick and you might miss out on your prize! Fun for you, fun for us.
Monster Drawing Rally is an event concept originally developed by Southern Exposure in San Francisco, CA, who proudly share it as an open-source fundraising model.
All art supplies for our Monster Drawing Rally have been provided through a generous donation from BLICK Art Materials. Additional support has been provided by Slows Bar BQ.
Image: James Alexander.