This season of Daily Rush presents the video work of Danish artists Jeannette Ehlers, Jane Jin Kaisen, and Hannah Toticki, mirroring their solo exhibitions on MOCAD’s main campus. This virtual presentation invites the viewer to explore themes of labor, border militarization, and personal agency within a global context.
FALL 2021
NOVEMBER 18, 2021 – JANUARY 30, 2022
This season of Daily Rush presents the video work of Danish artists Jeannette Ehlers, Jane Jin Kaisen, and Hannah Toticki, mirroring their solo exhibitions on MOCAD’s main campus. This virtual presentation invites the viewer to explore themes of labor, border militarization, and personal agency within a global context.
Daily Rush is the new media platform of the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit. New seasons of Daily Rush are released semiannually, with works by visual artists and filmmakers whose production lies in-between digital media, contemporary art, and moving image. Presented exclusively online, each season is organized around emerging ideas on digital culture and technology by artists and thought leaders from Detroit and beyond. Daily Rush is generously supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
Image: Jeannette Ehlers, We’re Magic. We’re Real., 2021. Video still. Courtesy of the artist.